Josianne West
Quality Auditor-Care Coordinator

I recently joined the team here at Eden under a brand new job description of Quality Auditor-Care Coordinator. I have the responsibility of auditing the daily notes and the missed medications as well as working in the field undertaking spot checks and supervisions.

I am still in the process of meeting all our lovely clients in their homes and I can already see the wonderful care that Eden provides.

My history in care started in 2011 in a Nursing home. That is where I learned all about delivering good quality care. I studied and obtained my Level 3 Adult Health and Social Care Diploma. I now have plans to complete my Level 5 here at Eden. I can really say that they provide fantastic opportunities for training. As well as that I have training scheduled to become a Medication Train the Trainer and a Moving and Handling Train the trainer.

I am a family orientated person who loves to spend time with my close family. My nan is so important to me and I love to take her out and about.

I enjoy travelling with my partner and have been to many parts of the world. We are currently saving for a house so I have many exciting things ahead.